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The Expert Movement on the Blockchain

The $EXPERT is a MAGA inspired project that has been in the think tank, and is just now entering production stages.
If you’re here now, you’re early!

$EXPERT Memecoin

If you’re here now, you’re early!

ETH 0x476A54E226168E5B2014aC674E2e3C59b2f0B2e1


(3%) Tax on Buys, Sells & Transfers
(1%)for $TRUMP reflections to our holders.
(1%) to US Vets and Child Rescue Donations
(1%) for Marketing, Development, Buybacks/Burns and Liquidity.

17,000,000 Supply

0.47 ETH

(Almost $2000) In Total Donations

How to Buy using $ETH

MetaMask is a crypto wallet app used for storing and managing Ethereum tokens. After creating a wallet be sure to write down your recovery phrase on a piece of paper and store it somewhere safe.

From inside the MetaMask app you can purchase Ethereum using PayPal by clicking on the buy button.

Connect your wallet to Uniswap, input our contract address ---, set your slippage to 1.5%, and click the swap button!
Please be advised that Expert Memecoin is a cryptocurrency created for entertainment purposes and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Barron Trump. While EXPERT Memecoin may reference or incorporate elements related Trump’s persona, image, or likeness, it does not imply any direct endorsement, partnership, or approval by Trump. Any resemblance or association between EXPERT Memecoin and Barron Trump is purely coincidental and intended for satirical or humorous purposes.